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I see seeds of greatness in people all around.
When I stop, look, and listen, cues resound.
Sparks of inspiration catch the mind’s eye.
Behold an unexpected, wondrous surprise.
There are many testimonies of joy or pain.
Read on to learn about what I’m sharing and saying.

In the beat of each sacred pulse,
An orchestra of untold stories abound.
It’s like diamonds being mined
From coal compounds.
See why we, as dust,
Transform into the divine?
A kernel of hope yields bright, lush fruit
On a twisting, turning vine.

Try to nurture tender seedlings.
Treat them with utmost care.
They may dance in barren fields,
Unsupported and unaware.
We are experts in the rights of passage.
We know what to say during prayer.

A mind filled with dung, junk, or guided by jinns,
Can also struggle or triumph through losses and win.
A mind that is tormented by fate’s rare drought,
Seeks light in the darkness and plans a way out.

Lift those feeling degraded, played out, or downplayed,
While trying to evade a blocked dead end.
Shine a light on their humble contributions.
They work hard to pursue lofty dreams.
Known and unknown legends realized remarkable things.
God controls who rises and who has risen.

Thrive like plush gardens under a golden sun.
Value each other’s gifts, not their dysfunction.
Notice the quiet pioneer in the neighborhood senior,
Or the artist, builder, cook, writer, or healer.

A caged man sat behind cold steel bars.
Now, he is a leader who helps others become stars.
A woman once battered, abused, and bruised,
Now mentors other budding community jewels.

Unconditional love is distinct and clear.
It’s that perfect melody we crave to hear.
Every morning, noon, night, and beyond,
Love launches us into a renewed stratosphere.

Study the eyes of those we greet.
Don’t dismiss them for not
Fitting into the notions we keep.
Fake, trite, divisive, antiquated rubbish,
That traps us inside tribes, clans,
Clubs and norms, like a fetish.

Pre-requisites for acceptance
Must not bind our tongues.
We are stronger when
We stand united as one.

Seeing the seeds of excellence
In the people we meet,
Takes practice and patience.
I am sure you agree.

We are all cultivated and influenced by
A collective embedded creed
In this garden of abundance,
There are no ill-fated seeds.

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A weeping wasteland of tears assembles

at the crown of their heads

and oozes down their horrified faces.

These folks are struggling to survive.

Life births death in this perpetual cycle of struggle.

Tired sunken expressions are ghostly and weary.

The sun devours the bare skin of both

the survivors and the dead.

No relief is in sight.

There are sounds of mourning from morning to night.

A wicked killing curse consumes everything.

Rusted metal soot and hot dust sabotaged

the throats of the innocent.

Moms shield their babies from

the trauma of this hell on earth.

They taught their children that paradise

dwells at the mother’s feet.

The parents try to piece together heaven

out of shrapnel and crumbled homes.

Dismal cesspools of sorrow invade

hollow stomach pits that the enemy gutted

using hate as a weapon of choice.

This population had been settled there for years.

Their lives were prosperous, colorful, and good.

The word “settled” is now an unsettling term.

It’s up for interpretation,

depending on who is in control.

The stench and residue of a vile history

chain countless bodies to insecurity.

Wars between nations occur,

but this cruel pattern of oppression

and resettlement undermines the sanctity of existence.

There was once hope for peace.

Now, an ocean of bondage, extermination,

and doubt is a solemn omen.

Decades of persecution leave lasting scars.

Eyes can’t hide what man’s ancestry reveals.

The combat gaze can’t erase

what the divine has ordained.

The cries of the oppressed may fill every corner

of the world, but God will still have the final say.

He can make all things new.

We pray for the victims of warfare daily.

KEYWORDS: War And Peace, Love Everyone, Healing Journey

100% 100% Human Generated with Grammarly editorial assistance.

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